
May Heritage Event 2012!


Mochi Workshop, 5/15/2012


[APANET] USPTO Community Day Focus Group Sessions on May 9th

On the morning of Wednesday, May 9, 2012, setting the stage for Community Day the following day, the Office of EEO and Diversity (OEEOD) will host diversity focus group sessions.  The purpose of the focus group sessions is to solicit input on the development of future diversity initiatives here at USPTO from a wide representation of viewpoints.  The focus group sessions are an integral part of the USPTO’s Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan, as required by Executive Order 13583. 


Specifically, the sessions, with approximately twenty (20) participants each, will be on the following topics:

    (1) Attracting the most highly-qualified Hispanic lawyers, scientists and engineers

    (2) engaging the texting generation

    (3) remaining the Government’s leading employer of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

    (4) capturing the proud history of African American employment at the USPTO.


If you would like to participate, please contact Sally Oh in the OEEOD, at or x28095, to sign up for the focus group of interest to you.  Please note that space is limited and there will be no “other time” for the focus sessions.


Annual Dragonboat Race!

Every year, APANet participates in the annual Dragonboat race.  If you're interested, join our team!  You'll meet new people, break some sweat and have a really good time!



2012 Members Meeting!

We had our annual members meeting on Feburary 21st to present awards to volunteers and individuals who have contributed to the growth and success of APAnet over the last year as well as present the goals of APAnet for the year 2012 to our members.  We had a great turn out!  Here are some pictures.

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